Fujifilm lets you virtually test all of their lenses

Fujifilm has slowly been making inroads as a serious alternative to Canon and Nikon with their X-series cameras.   From providing firmware updates to older cameras that actually add significant features, to building a stable of some of the best optics in the business for their X-system, they have done a lot to impress me over the past couple of years.

This new website is yet another cool thing that is so obvious, that I'm surprised it's never been done before.   Fuji is letting you take a test drive of all of its lenses,  letting you select the focal length and aperture of each lens to see what the results look like with any of Fuji's X lenses as they would look taken with the X-T1.   Having used the Fuji X-System, I have to say It actually gives you a pretty good feel for the results you can get.   Definitely worth checking out, if not just to see what Fuji has been doing with their stellar series of lenses lately.